When we forget compassion, forget God. God is a God of compassion. (Nicholas P.)

In November 2014, we were invited by the Community of CLC in Luxembourg and the Ignatian Group for Migration (GIM) at the 6th Meeting of the Network Migration CVX Europe. It would be a moment to share experiences and deepen the question of the Roma people in Europe.

We were 28 people, 8 National Communities CVX from different European countries (Austria, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, France, Spain, Hungary).

Saturday, November 15

We enjoyed the knowledge, skills and commitment of Nathalie, Marie-Colette and Catherine of CLC-France, accompanying the Roma population in France (St Denis, Nantes and Grenoble), Bulgaria and Romania. The presence of Barbara and Stephen, collaborators Projects Roma people with the Jesuits in Hungary, was a blessing to all participants.

We are now aware that the Roma are a nation of 12 million people – without having an own- country are full citizens of the European Union with the same rights and duties, including the right to free movement.

We take the time to learn a little history and trajectory of Roma communities. From Northern India, where they were for centuries slaves or agricultural workers and had no access to land, were manufacturers of various iron objects. Integrated and unskilled in the socialist countries of Central and Southeastern Europe workers, Roma are now the biggest losers of the fall of communism. Because today’s enterprises often lack flexibility, have not been integrated into the capitalist market system. For example, in France, though they have knowledge about recycling not have access to garbage collection as this is considered theft.

His insecurity makes further increase crime, criminal networks and trafficking. It seems urgent to give better care and recognize their ability to survive in poverty, hope and strength to continually rebuild despite rejection and I continued failures. To support Roma communities, it is important to maintain and support their leaders, who then will have long term success in changing attitudes and living conditions.

For us, members of CLC, it is to think globally and act locally. We will not know to change a society or an entire macroeconomic system: seek to do everything possible to find and accompany Gypsies, seeing in them a godsend.

Sunday, November 15

Denis Dobblestein, consultant to the World CLC Executive Council, a member of the Community in Belgium, shares his thoughts on the mission of CLC in Europe in the field of migration on Migration Network and its place on possible criteria and tips to grow as Apostolic Body.

Followed Adelaide La Casta, eurolink CLC in Spain, who shares that the World Ex-co, some months ago, requested and encouraged CLC in Spain to coordinate Network Migration in Europe, which until now had led Community in Luxembourg, specifically Agnes Rausch. CLC in Spain shared the request with the national Apostolic Migration Team, who after discerning decide to accept the incoming call, in collaboration with the Eurolink. Adelaide says they are very grateful and excited about this new challenge. Quote few sentences of the document of Malta and appreciates the work of Agnes and the team of Luxembourg for their work.

The Euroteam, in the line of one of the tips received in the last Assembly in Regensburg, National Communities sends a questionnaire about their activity in this field. Not all communities have responded and other folks are not especially involved in this mission field. Meeting attendees share their experiences. The Communities of France, Luxembourg, Italy and Spain explain what they are doing. Along with Malta, are the communities more involved in the reality of Migrants. In France form the “Atelier de lÉtranger” in Luxembourg on “GIM” and in Spain there is a National Apostolic Team Migration. In Italy there are enough members involved but are not organized. Finally in Germany and Austria, a few members perform some activity in a personal capacity.

The rest of the morning we share what our dreams and desires for the future of the Internet and what it could offer. And so, between ideas that arise as to the posibildades would offer the strengthening of the European Migration Network CVX are:

  1. Raise awareness of the reality of migration: to inform, educate, promote experiences of contact with reality … CLC members and Communities in Europe oblivious to this reality.
  2. Help CLC members and communities to practice DEAE commitment regarding migrants. Be present in this reality as CLC.
  3. Towards CLC members and Communities in Europe involved in this reality:
  4. Accompanied, meet, emotional support and effectively
  5. Share personal and community experiences
  6. And training Informarción
  7. discern a project / common mission
  8. Advocacy at European level

Carlo Cellemare, CLC in Italy, explains his desire to organize a volunteer experience in the South of Italy, in contact with the immigrant population.

Both the Euroteam as Exco offer us their support in this way. We return grateful and hopeful  to life.

Agnes Rausch, CLC in Luxembourg, former Coordinator CVX-European Migration Network
Maria Morales, CLC in Spain, Europe CVX- Migration Network Coordinator
Adelaide La Casta, eurolink CLC in Spain

Luxembourg, 11.14.2014 to 11.16.2014

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