CLC Netherlands has the pleasure to announce our international CLC Hiking retreat for this Summer: “Growing into Community in the midst of the Creation!” from July 1st to July 8th, 2018.
CLC Netherlands has the pleasure to announce our international CLC Hiking retreat for this Summer: “Growing into Community in the midst of the Creation!” from July 1st to July 8th, 2018.
A very thought provoking material for contemplating Pope Francis’ Laduato Si is available on our website. We received it from Mary O’Flaherty, CLC Ireland.
Thanks to Monika Trochimczuk from Poland, we have a video montage of the meeting of Presidents, EAs, EL in Haumont
The thoughtprovoking presentations by Pater Giuseppe Riggio SJ on Pope Francis’ thoughts and his concept of polyhedron can be reached here
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