The participants at the European meeting in Haumont had a wonderful meditative morning prayer which is shared here.
The participants at the European meeting in Haumont had a wonderful meditative morning prayer which is shared here.
CLC Europe helds a meeting in Lille (Haumont) between 1 – 4 March 2018 for Presidents, Eurolinks and EAs of the CLC national communities in Europe. As Pope Francis keeps saying, this is a “ Kairos “ moment for the Church and so also for our community, and we want to give our humble collaborative response […]
Some local communities in Spain realized that the Ignatian spirituality could help the family life. In Spain, the national assemblies in Barcelona 1999, Santiago 2009 and Salamanca 2014, were entrusted to promote the family mission and to develop specific tools for families, incorporating the new family realities present in our communities and society.
The French national assembly has elected a new ExCo, the members of which are: ▪Brigitte Jeanjean, Communauté régionale Causses et Monts, élue responsable de la Communauté ▪Pierre Guy, Communauté régionale Gironde, élu coordinateur de la Communauté ▪Emmanuel Grassin d’Alphonse, Communauté régionale Haute-Normandie, élu coordinateur de la Communauté ▪ Jean-Luc Fabre, sj., Assistant national de la Communauté […]
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