The summer programme for volunteers with asylumseekers continues in 2018. Registration is open.
Agnes Rausch, CLC and Paul Galles and Young Caritas organised 3 x 5 holidays with young refugees (non accompanied minors). The project was helped by a group of young international volunteers. If you like to know more about this experience of spending some days together as tourists at Luxemburg riverside, please download a PPT presentation
Last year a group of Austrian CLC members started an initiative to support asylumseekers in Austria. On Febr 24 – 26, 2017 an international meeting assembled CLC members from all over Austria, Germany and Agnes Rausch from Luxemburg, Afghanistan and Lebanon in Linz, Austria.
The CLC Euroteam and the Forced Migration Network are launching this year’s edition of the project “At the frontiers with asylum seekers”, which has been held successfully for the past two years.